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Namespaces are a way to organize translation files, allowing us to separate them by functionality or by type of content.

By default, we have a namespace called translation for all our translations, which is in the file src/locales/es/translation.json.

"Hola Este es un ejemplo de traduccion base": "Hola Este es un ejemplo de traduccion base"
  • If we want to separate our translations by functionality, we can create a new namespace called messages.

    "Mensaje de ejemplo": "Mensaje de ejemplo"
  • If we want to separate our translations by type of content, we can create a new namespace called pages.

    "Texto en la pagina": "Texto en la pagina"

Configuration in our hook

In our translation hook, we pass the namespace parameter to use the one we want, but by default, we pass translation.

"use client";
import { useTypedTranslation } from 'translate-projects-nextjs/hooks';
import es from '@/locales/es/translation.json';

type Tylelang = typeof es

export const useTranslation = (ns: string = 'translation') => {
return useTypedTranslation<Tylelang>(ns)

Using namespaces

We can use namespaces in our component.

In this case, we are going to use the namespace messages.

import { useTranslation } from '@/hooks/useTranslation'; We import our hook.

function App() {
const { t } = useTranslation('messages'); //We use the namespace
return (
{t('Mensaje de ejemplo')}

export default App;

Another way to use the namespace is by passing it as a parameter in the useTranslation function.

import { useTranslation } from '@/hooks/useTranslation'; We import our hook.

function App() {
const { t } = useTranslation(); //We don't pass the namespace.
return (
{t('Mensaje de ejemplo',{ns: 'messages'})} //We pass the namespace.